
Yeoman generator that sets up travis-ci to do automated github pages deployment on every commit.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorTravisCi from '';


yeoman init travis-ci

This is a yeoman generator that provides travis-ci setup for yeoman projects.

Available sub-generators:

  • all
  • gh-pages
  • suggestions?


Simply sets up to track your project and creates a basic .travis.yml that runs travis test on each commit.

Usage: yeoman init travis-ci


Aims to make yeoman sites work similar to jekyll sites on github pages. Commit the raw files and what is served is the built site.

Creates a .travis.yml file that tells travis-ci to build the yeoman project in your master branch after every commit and push the built site into your project's gh-pages branch.

Warning! Currently you still have to log into and enable the hooks for your specific repo, which is kind of a drag. Also, it assumes that you have the travis gem installed.

Usage: yeoman init travis-ci:gh-pages

In action

Generated .travis.yml file can be seen here.


See the contributing docs


BSD license