
Yeoman generator for creating Node.js connectors for the platform

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorTrayioNodejsConnector from '';


Yeoman generator for Node.JS connectors

This Yeoman generator allows you to quickly create a skeleton Node.JS project for connectors.


To install this generator for use with Yeoman, use the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g generator-trayio-nodejs-connector

Make sure you have yeoman installed: npm install -g yo

Creating A Connector Project

Once you have setup Yeoman and installed this generator using NPM, you can now get started with creating a new skeleton project.

First you must create a new directory for your connector. Please only use lowercase letters and dashes.

mkdir my-custom-connector
cd my-custom-connector

Then run the generator using yo, following the instructions to create your skeleton project.

yo trayio-nodejs-connector

If you want to create workflow trigger connector, you will be prompted to Include an HTTP trigger?. If you say yes, a trigger connector will be created and the associated init operation handler and http request handlers.

Running / Testing Your Connector

To run the connector, you'll need to run:

NODE_ENV=development node main.js