- npm install -g yo
- npm install webpack-style-bundler
- yo webpack-style-bundler
Webpack Style Bundler
TLDR: Takes a folder of scss or sass files and transforms into a single optimised .css file.
- npm run build
- npm run start
- npm run release
Get Started
To get this template working with your project you must first sync your src directory with this project, such that all of your existing files are contained within /src. Please note that webpack is expecting index.js and index.html as your main files. Webpack will handle the rest. This project supports React version 16.8.*, but you will need to merge your package.json dependencies with ours to ensure you have the required node modules to run your project.
npm run build (production build)
- creates 'contenthashed' file for caching
- uses optimisation, such as minification, removal of whitespace, attribute quotes, etc. for js and css.
- uses MiniCssExtractPlugin for styling
- uses webpack dev-tool 'source-map' for production.
npm run start
- creates standard bundled js file
- transforms scss into css and css into js, and injects into dom
- uses webpack dev-tool 'inline-source-map' for development
npm run release
<<<<<<< HEAD
- unoptimised build. Merges all styling into the release folder under one .css file 'zebra.css'. This is used for further development and comes with the npm release of this package.
MIT © Marc Adlington
- unoptimised build. Merges all styling into the release folder under one .css file 'zebra.css'. This is used for further development and comes with the npm release of this package.