
Yeoman generator for client/server development with webpack, gulp, pug, karma, mocha and some more selectable tools

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorWebpackVersatile from '';



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Yeoman generator will setup an express-project with a bunch of tools (some fixed, some selectable) pre-setup to provide an eligible work flow.


Use typescript to transpile typescript modules.

Use webpack to pack client code into compact bundles.

Use browersync for fast live testing on multiple devices.

Use gulp for all task automation.

Use pug for server and client templating.

Use karma for client-tests. There is also support for smoke-testing your application - either in your installed browsers or headlessly using PhantomJS.

Use mocha with chai for unit-tests.


Use modernizr for browser-feature detection.

Use foundation or bootstrap for responsive client-side styling.

Use page.js as a micro client-side router

Use backbone as a lightweight client-library to build agile single-page web applications.

Use marionette to organize your backbone views.

Use sass as versatile CSS-Preprocessor (required for bootstrap and foundation).

Use cache-crusher to provide cache-busting for your production-build.


The following additional npm-packages are assumed to be installed globally: bower, gulp, yo.

$ npm install -g bower gulp yo generator-webpack-versatile

Finally, initiate the generator:

$ yo webpack-versatile



Just select your preferred options and wait till your project has been scaffolded...

Look in the generated file for details of project layout and usage of gulp tasks.


MIT License