
A custom Yeoman generator to reduce boiler-plate in JS dev

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import generatorWupjs from '';



A custom Yeoman generator to reduce boiler-plate in JS dev


  • yo wupjs [projectName]: Is the agregate of many sub-generators; Running it prompts you, then sets up a full web development environment using Gulp and optionally Babel, Mocha, React, Enzyme, Compass, etc.

  • yo wupjs:class [className]: Generates source file and unit testing file for className.

  • yo wupjs:component [componentName]: Generates source file and unit testing file for React componentName.

  • yo wupjs:gulpplugin [pluginName]: Generates source file and unit testing file for Gulp pluginName.


generator-wupjs is MIT licensed.

© 2016-2019 Jason Lenoble