
Uses Joi schema to validate objects, can be used with express and koa routes, may be used with other frameworks.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import genericJoiValidator from '';


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Generic Joi Validator

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npm install generic-joi-validator


This package facilitates managing multiple Joi structures and running validation on them.

Current translators


More are coming soon. Got a new translator? Create an issue and I'll include it.


Requiring methods from the package.

const { schemata, prepare } = require('generic-joi-validator');

Add domain models to your schemata object. You may use your mongoose database models directly with mongoose-to-joi-translator.

const getJoiSchema = require('mongoose-to-joi-translator');
schemata.stores = getJoiSchema(new Schema({
    name: {
        type: String,
        required: true
    location: new Schema({
        latitude: {
            type: String,
            required: true
        longitude: {
            type: String,
            required: true

Add your schema manually

schemata.stores = {
    name: Joi.string().required(),
    location: {
        latitude: Joi.string().required(),
        longitude: Joi.string().required()

Other domain models may also be included Examples:

  • schemata.storesQuery to contain what is queryable in stores and validates user input based on it.
  • schemata.pagination to contain the pagination structure.
schemata.pagination = {
    skip: Joi.number().optional().default(defaultSkip),
    limit: Joi.number().optional().default(defaultLimit)

An example of how to use this package with Koa

Create middleware

// You may also create middlewares for getQuery input, getPagination input, etc.

* Koa-specific Wrapper for the prepare function, looks for data in the body, params, and query
* of ctx.request and assign the validated data to
* @param {String} [params] list of strings in space-separated value format, example 'word location.latitude location.longitude'.
* By default it will check all properties found in the specified joi structure.
* @param {Boolean} [areOptional] specifies whether the attributes are optional
* (overrides required check) useful for partial update validation
const koaValidator = (params, areOptional) => (ctx, next) => {
    // takes foo from '/foo/something/another'
    const resourceName = ctx.url.replace(/^\/([^/]*).*$/, '$1');
    // source the object the validator will look through
    const source = {
    const {error, value} = prepare(resourceName, source, params, areOptional);
    ctx.assert(!error, 400, {message: error ? error.message : error}); = {, ...value};
    return next();

Use in your routes
    async (ctx, next) => {
        ctx.body =;
        return next();


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property that contains all schemata to check against, the property isJoi in each schema is reserved.


prepare(resourceName, sourceObject, [attributes], [areOptional])Object

validates the object based on the schema of the resource


property that contains all schemata to check against, the property isJoi in each schema is reserved.

Kind: global variable

prepare(resourceName, sourceObject, [attributes], [areOptional]) ⇒ Object

validates the object based on the schema of the resource

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - same as Joi.valdidate return value

Param Type Description
resourceName String resource name
sourceObject Object location of attributes to validate
[attributes] String list of attributes to be checked in space-separated value format, defaults to all.
[areOptional] Boolean specifies whether the attributes specified are optional