Git Hook Generator - easily incorporate git hooks into your, and your team's, front end workflow!
> npm install -g genhook-cli
- Navigate to the root of any git repo
> genhook (<git-hook>|installer) [flags]
Git Hooks
Genhook focuses on client hooks (i.e. those that would run on the developer's box as opposed to a server). Genhook's approach to git hooks is to simply tie them right into the task-runner that already knows how to lint files, etc... Simply using the hook to execute one/more task for your runner to execute! Currently, gulp is the only supported task runner.
Generating a hook is simple - just call genhook with the name of the git hook you want generated, and provide a few options!
Valid Hooks
- pre-commit - runs at the beginning of a commit, even before a message is added
- prepare-commit-msg - runs before the message editor is fired up, but after default message created
- commit-msg - runs after message is populated and saved to temp file
- post-commit - runs at the end of a commit after it has finished
Git Hook Flags
Flag | Short Flag | Description | Required |
dest | -d | Relative destination path for the generated hooks to be put into if saving to your repository for team use | N |
taskRunnerRoot | -r | Relative Path to your task runner sourcefile - i.e. path to gulpfile.js - defaults to CWD from where genhook command is ran. | If gulpfile isn't at repository root, provide relative path to it here |
tasks | -t | What task(s) to call from the git hook - i.e. -t lint checkstyle test |
Y |
windows | -w | Include bash script to support using windows | N - defaults to false |
If you use the -d
flag to save the generated hooks to your codebase, then an install script can be generated to allow others on the team to easily utilize the same hooks!
Git Hook Example
> cd path/to/repo/root
#generate a pre-commit hook script and save them to the codebase
> genhook pre-commit -d git-hooks/pre-commit/ -t lint checkstyle -w true
#files created:
# ./.git/hooks/pre-commit (hook script that git will execute)
# ./.git/hooks/pre-commit-js (only generated if you're on windows)
# ./git-hooks/pre-commit/pre-commit-js (nodejs script)
# ./git-hooks/pre-commit-pre-commit-win (sh script to be used when installing on windows - calls nodejs script when executed)
For a more in-depth example of using git hooks + task runner to do cool stuff (such as lint only the files being committed), check out this demo.
If you created hooks and saved them to your repository, then Genhook can create a handy installer script that anyone on your team can use to install the hooks in their environments.
> genhook installer [flags]
Installer Flags
Flag | Short Flag | Description | Required |
dest | -d | Relative destination path for the generated installer script | Y - i.e. gulp-tasks/ |
hooks | -h | Relative path to directory holding Genhook-generated hook scripts | Y - i.e. git-hooks/ |
name | -n | What to name the generated file - i.e. hookInstaller.js | N - defaults to installGitHooks.js |
taskRunnerRoot | -r | Relative path to your task runner main file - i.e. path to gulpfile.js | N - defaults to CWD |
taskName | -t | What to name the gulp task that will perform the hooks install | N - defaults to install-git-hooks |
Installer Examples
> cd path/to/repo/root
> genhook installer -d gulp-tasks/ -h git-hooks/ -n installHooks.js -t install-hooks
# File created: ./gulp-tasks/installHooks.js
# Gulp task to do the install will be named install-hooks
# When that gulp task is ran, it will install all hooks from ./git-hooks/ into ./.git/hooks and automatically handle windows vs *nix
- Add in support for remaining client git hooks
- Support for more task-runners than just gulp - would like to support grunt also
Heavily borrowed architecture and testing setup from the excellent gulp-cli