
CLI tool to generate node application and append code snippets to the project for a given api

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import genode from '';



Given a data model a NodeJs application will be generated with all the REST services available to access data from the database.

How to use it?

  • Install genode globally using

    npm install -g genode

  • Create a file raw.json as follows and paste it in a folder. (Note: Do not change db_connector for the 0.1.2 version)

        "port": 4000,
        "db_connector": "mongoose",
        "database_port": "27017",
        "database": "trial"
  • Open terminal in the same path where you saved raw.json and run the below command for a better understanding of options. genode help

  • Sample/valid commands

    genode sample -i raw.json
    genode sample -i raw.json -o my_output
    genode sample -o my_output
    genode sample
  • Now navigate to project path in your terminal and run npm install. Now your project is ready to be served. Run node app.js or npm start to serve your generated NodeJs project.

V 0.1.0 (Previous release)

Basic NodeJs app will be generated with MongoDb as the standard database also with a reference module for implementation.

V 0.2.0 (Current release)

Will include all kind of operations for a pre-defined user schema.

V 0.3.0 (Upcoming release)

Will include database selection support from among MongoDB or MySql.

V 1.0.0 (Upcoming release)

Will include module generation given a data model as an input.

V 2.0.0 (Upcoming release)

Will include run time code generation.