
The flatten function for GeoDash that can be used in build or runtime contexts.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import geodashFlatten from '';


GeoDash Flatten (geodash-flatten)

The flatten function for GeoDash that can be used in build or runtime contexts.


GeoDash is a modern web framework and approach for quickly producing visualizations of geospatial data. The name comes from "geospatial dashboard".

The framework is built to be extremely extensible. You can use GeoDash Server (an implementation), the front-end framework, backend code, or just the Gulp pipeline. Have fun!

See for more details.


Install with npm

npm install geodash-flatten --save-dev


The flatten function can be used independently or as geodash.util.flatten in GeoDashJS.

The flatten function is used frequently in conjunction with the diff, expand, and extract functions. Flatten transforms a serializable JSON object, so that all values are under the root object. For example


var flatten = require("geodash-flatten")
var a = {'x': {'y': 'z' }, 'a': ['b', 'c', 'd']}
var b = fatten(a);
b == {'x__y': 'z', 'a__0': 'b', 'a__1': 'c', 'a__2': 'd' }

In GeoDashJS

$scope.dashboard_flat = geodash.util.flatten($scope.dashboard);



To build the custom docs template used in the website, you'll need to install a custom version of docstrap.git on top of the default version. The below command will install the custom version.

npm install git+\#geodash # Install custom docs template with font awesome

You can just build docs with:

npm run build:docs # or gulp docs since run the same thing


Only jshint is supported right now. Run tests with the following command.

npm run tests


Happy to accept pull requests!


See LICENSE file.