
Subtract Polygons & MultiPolygons in your GeoJSON files from each other.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import geojsonCliDifference from '';


Deprecated: Please use geojson-clipping instead.


Subtract Polygons & MultiPolygons in your GeoJSON files from each other.

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$ npm install -g geojson-cli-difference
$ cat world.geojson | geojson-cli-difference water.geojson > land.geojson


A geojson object containing polygons and/or multipolygons is expected via stdin. This will be the minuend.

Zero or more subtrahends are expected to be specified via positional arguments. Each positional argument may be either

  • a path to a geojson file containing polygons and/or multipolygons
  • a path to a directory full of geojson files containing polygons and/or multipolygons

The result of performing the subtraction will be written to stdout as a geojson object.

If no subtrahends are specifed, the minuend will be passed through from stdin to stdout unchanged.



Scan each subtrahend filename for something that looks like a stringified geojson bounding box. Examples of matching filenames:

  • [-10,-10,10,10].json
  • 424242.[-58.5314588,-34.705637,-58.3351249,-34.5265535].geojson

If a bounding box is found in a filename, a comparison is made with the bounding box of the minuend. If there is no overlap, the subtraction process for that subtrahend is short-curcuited, thus avoiding the need to perform the I/O of reading the contents of the file in from disk to memory.

This feature can be used as a performance boost in the case when trying to employ a large number of subtrahends of which only a small percent actually overlap the minuend.

-s / --silent

Send any warnings (normally written to stderr) straight to /dev/null.





  • set up CI: travis, coveralls
  • performance imprv: don't read in all subtrahends at the same time


  • Add option --respect-bboxes-in-filenames
  • Allow paths to directories full of geojson files to be used as subtrahends to be given as positional arguemnts
  • Allow no-op: calling without specifying any subtrahends


  • Initial release