
simplest mbtiles server

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gerardus from '';


Getting Started

Install using npm

npm install gerardus

Building from source

git clone
cd gerardus
npm install
npm run build


usage: gerardus [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIG] [-d DEFAULT_TILE] [--host HOST] [-l LOG]
                [-p PORT] [--pid PID] [-s SOCKET] [--verbose]
                [tiles [tiles ...]]

simplest mbtiles server

Positional arguments:
  tiles                 list of .mbtiles

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -v, --version         Show program version number and exit.
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Load the configuration found in filename.
  -d DEFAULT_TILE, --default-tile DEFAULT_TILE
                        Image that will get the client if the requested tile 
                        is not found
  --force-tms           Force response as TMS (default false)
  --host HOST           Server hostname
  -l LOG, --log LOG     Log file (default gerardus.log)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Port (default 8888)
  --pid PID             PID file
  -s SOCKET, --socket SOCKET
                        Unix socket to listen
  --verbose             Verbose output (default false)

Example 1

gerardus --verbose russia.mbtiles world.mbtiles

Example 2


default_tile: "default.png"
pid: "/var/tmp/"
socket: "/var/tmp/http.sock"
tiles: ["russia.mbtiles", "world.mbtiles"]
gerardus --config config.yml

Note: passing additional arguments to application will rewrite configuration settings.

Example 3

  1. ./bin/gerardus --force-tms --allow-origin --verbose example/osm-bright-2.mbtiles
  2. cd example
  3. python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
  4. open http://localhost:8000


gerardus -h