
Simple package to validate a german tax-id (Steuerindentifikationsnummer)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import germanTaxIdValidator from '';


German Tax Id Validator

This library validates german tax identification numbers, more infos here:

How to use

First you neeed to install the package via npm:

npm install --save german-tax-id-validator
var taxValidator = require('german-tax-id-validator');
// validate has the follwing signature:
// validate(taxId, doNotValidate2015, doNotValidate2016), only taxId is required
var isValid = taxValidator.validate('01234567811');

The validate-method accepts only strings;

You can further specify wich versions of valid tax-ids you want to test, because since 2016, another set of tax-ids is valid. You can use the optional parameters to test for a specific version of the tax-id.

// only validate pre 2016-ids
var isValid = taxValidator.validate('01234567811', false, true);
// only validate post 2016-ids
var isValid = taxValidator.validate('01234567811', true, false);