
For a crypto currency or several, get its/their FIAT value (in USD).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import getCryptoFiatValues from '';


Get Crypto FIAT Values

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For a crypto currency or several, get its/their FIAT value (in USD).


yarn add get-crypto-fiat-values


get a single crypto usd value

import { getCryptoUSDValue } from 'get-crypto-fiat-values'

let aPortfolioAllocation: string[] = ['bitcoin', 'ethereum', 'litecoin', 'dogecoin']

aPortfolioAllocation.forEach(async sCurrency => {
    const value = await getCryptoUSDValue(sCurrency)
    console.log(`Got value: ${value}, for ${sCurrency}`)


Got value: 248.464, for litecoin
Got value: 11519.5, for bitcoin
Got value: 944.51, for ethereum
Got value: 0.00707836, for dogecoin

get multiple crypto usd values

import { getMultipleCryptoUSDValue } from 'get-crypto-fiat-values'

const oResult: any = await getMultipleCryptoUSDValue(['ethereum', 'dogecoin', 'litecoin', 'ripple'])

const sETHKey = 'ethereum'
const sDOGEKey = 'dogecoin'
console.log('ethereum value is: ', oResult[sETHKey].usdValue)
console.log('dogecoin value is: ', oResult[sDOGEKey].usdValue)


ethereum value is:  749.677
dogecoin value is:  0.00421033