
Get the entry points from a config or found within a directory

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import getDriverScripts from '';


get-driver-scripts npm npm

Gets the entry point filepaths to an application from a build configuration or by finding them about a directory.

npm install get-driver-scripts


var getDrivers = require('get-driver-scripts');

  directory: 'path/to/my/js',
  success: function(err, drivers) {

Optional properties:
  • exclusions: a list of (sub)directory names to exclude from the search
  • buildConfig: a RequireJS build configuration that contains a list of modules
  • This config will be parsed and you'll get back the filepaths of those modules
  • config: a RequireJS configuration that lists aliased paths.
  • This is necessary when you don't supply a build config and want the plugin to find all of the driver scripts.
  • Aliased paths need to be resolved to real filepaths during the search