Small module to get information about the currently connected network with Firefox OS.
So far it just returns the info I am interested in, in a way that is convenient for me. It is not pulling in all the fields that I could, so if you want to dig in and help adding extra fields I'll appreciate it. This is very early stages work and it's not complete AT ALL, but I wanted to stop copying and pasting snippets of code all the time between projects that needed to know what my IP address was.
IMPORTANT: You will need to have the wifi-manage
permission in your app manifest or this won't work.
var getNetworkInfo = require('get-network-info');
var info = getNetworkInfo();
// info will be either an Object or false
I'm using those nice nifty functions from ES6. Wait no, it's now called ESNext. Or ES2015. Or... well, you get the point.
What I want to highlight is that when using this module with Browserify it works even if the node environment I'm using doesn't support fat arrows by itself, which Firefox OS does indeed support, so it's all good.