
A wrapper around Google's web-vitals package to simplify collection and transmission of web vitals to an endpoint.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import getVitals from '';



get-vitals is a small utility I wrote to gather and beacon web vitals gathered by Google's web-vitals package. The following metrics are collected:

I originally wrote this as part of the codebase for my personal website, but decided to break this out into its own separate module for maintainability and for the off-chance that someone might find it useful.


To use get-vitals in your app, install it along the web-vitals package via npm as production dependencies:

npm install get-vitals web-vitals --save

The web-vitals package is bundled with this package. If you're using web-vitals already in your own code, uninstalling that dependency from your project and let this package handle reporting entirely for you. Otherwise, you may end up shipping two copies of web-vitals.

Basic usage

The simplest usage of get-vitals looks something like this:

import { getVitals } from "get-vitals";

window.addEventListener("load", () => {

In this example, get-vitals will pack all the metrics that get-vitals provides into an object after the page load event fires. This object has the following shape:

  metrics: [
    // ...

pathName contains the value of document.location.pathName. metrics is an array of objects containing info on each metric. time contains the value of, metric is a string containing the metric name (e.g., "cls", "fid", et. al), and value is metric's value.

Once all metrics are collected, the object is converted to a JSON string and sent as a POST request to the endpoint passed to the getVitals function. From there, it's up to you to write a back end that decodes that JSON (e.g., like PHP's json_decode) and stores it somewhere for later analysis.

Advanced usage

The getVitals function takes the following arguments in the order in which they're listed:

  • endpoint (String): Required. The endpoint where a POST request containing the metrics will be sent. Default: undefined.
  • additionalMetrics (Array): Optional. Additional metrics to transmit along with web vitals. Read on to see an example of this. Default: [].
  • preferBeacon (Boolean): Optional. Whether to prefer navigator.sendBeacon over fetch. sendBeacon is much more passive than a fetch, but may fail to fire for a number of good reasons based on browser heuristics. Don't change this unless capturing anything less than 100% is flat-out unacceptable. Default: true.
  • polyfillFetch (Boolean): Optional. Whether to polyfill the fetch API. If false, you'll either need to polyfill fetch some other way, or accept that metrics won't be transmitted in browsers that don't support either fetch or sendBeacon. Default: false.

Aside from toggling preferBeacon or polyfillFetch one way or the other, the only advanced use case is supplying your own metrics, which is where additionalMetrics comes in. Let's have a look at what that might look like.

export function getAdditionalMetrics () {
  const metrics = [];

  // Let's gather some netinfo stuff if we can
  if ("connection" in navigator) {
    metrics.push(["ect", navigator.connection.effectiveType]);
    metrics.push(["downlink", navigator.connection.downlink]);
    metrics.push(["rtt", navigator.connection.rtt]);

  return metrics;

additionalMetrics expects an array of arrays. Each sub-array must consist of the following members in the following order:

  1. The name of the metric (String).
  2. The value of the metric. (String, Number, whatever type you're willing to process in your back end).

Using this format, we push some netinfo metrics we want to send to our analytics collection endpoint, and return the metrics array. In the collection script, we then pass that array to the getVitals function:

import { getAdditionalMetrics } from "./get-additional-metrics.js";

window.addEventListener("load", () => {
  getVitals("", getAdditionalMetrics());

get-vitals handles everything from there! Now it's just up to you write a back-end script to collect everything.

Handling metrics in your application back end

get-vitals sends a JSON representation of an array in a POST request to the specified endpoint. From there, you need to decode the JSON and figure out what to do with it. Here's a barebones PHP example:

  // Takes raw data from the request.
  $json = file_get_contents("php://input");

  // Decode the JSON into something PHP can work with.
  $data = json_decode($json);

  foreach ($data->metrics as $metric) {
    // Process and store metrics here. Access object members like so:
    echo $metric->time;      // The time elapsed since the time origin.
    echo $metric->name;      // The string name of the metric (e.g., "FID").
    echo $metric->value;     // The value of the associated metric (e.g., 22.3).

However you do this on your application back end depends on the language you're using, but this should give you a barebones idea of how to work with the data get-vitals sends.


I mostly did this as a proof of concept to try and simplify my metrics collection efforts. If you find it useful, great! If you have ideas for contributing, that depends on what you want to contribute. If you want to extend this to do something specific to your situation, just fork the package. If you find bugs or have a novel feature request, file an issue and we'll talk!

That's all.

okay we're done buh-bye you can go do other stuff now 👋