
Get CSS classes out of a JS source file and return it as JSON.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import getCssFromJs from '';


Get CSS (class names) from JS

This package provides a method to fetch all CSS class names from a provided JS file. In addition to some simple search methods it looks for jQuery method usage to get all required selectors.

Please note that the process is quite greedy. So some of the found "class names" might actually be file extensions or other strings with a dot in it.


$ npm install --save get_css_from_js


var getCssFromJs = require('get_css_from_js');

var classNames = getCssFromJs('script.js');

or you can provide an array of files

var getCssFromJs = require('get_css_from_js');

var classNames = getCssFromJs(['script1.js', 'script2.js']);