
Get random GIF from Giphy.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import giphyRandom from '';


Giphy Random

Build Status Test Covarage Greenkeeper Latest Version

Get random GIF from Giphy.


$ npm install giphy-random

If you want to use this library directly on the browser, you have to manually include the axios library too:

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>


const giphyRandom = require("giphy-random");

(async () => {
  const API_KEY = "YOUR API KEY";

  const { data } = await giphyRandom(API_KEY);


The data will contain a GIF Object.

To get your Giphy API key, sign up here:


Filter by Tag

const giphyRandom = require("giphy-random");

(async () => {
  const API_KEY = "YOUR API KEY";

  const { data } = await giphyRandom(API_KEY, {
    tag: "cat"


Override the Default Rating

By default, Giphy will use the G—general audience—rating. To override this, pass the rating argument:

const giphyRandom = require("giphy-random");

(async () => {
  const API_KEY = "YOUR API KEY";

  const { data } = await giphyRandom(API_KEY, {
    rating: "pg-13"




giphyRandom(apiKey, [{ tag, rating }])


  • apiKey (String): Your Giphy API key.
  • tag (optional String): The tag to filter the result.
  • rating (optional String): MPAA-style rating to filter the result, default to g.

Here's the rating value that you can pass:

You can pass the following value as rating:

  • y: Appropriate for all children
  • g: General audiences (default)
  • pg: Parental guidance suggested
  • pg-13: Parents strongly cautioned
  • r: Restricted


It returns a Promise which when resolved contains a Giphy API response object. Here's an example of the resolved value with some properties that you might be interested in:

  data: {
    type: "gif",
    id: "H2fORSKZw4SCQ",
    slug: "cats-cat-gifs-kitten-H2fORSKZw4SCQ",
    url: "",
    embed_url: "",
    source_post_url: "",
    images: {
      downsized: {
        url: "",
        width: "210",
        height: "138",
        size: "1930051"
      original: {
        url: "",
        width: "210",
        height: "138",
        size: "1930051",
        frames: "165",
        mp4: "",
        mp4_size: "781811",
        webp: "",
        webp_size: "1368374"
      // Omitted...
    title: "cat kitten GIF",
    image_url: "",
    image_mp4_url: "",
    image_width: "210",
    image_height: "138",
    caption: ""
    // Omitted...
  meta: {
    status: 200,
    msg: "OK",
    response_id: "5be8329e796b703936aff12b"

Note that there are many properties omitted from the example above. Check Giphy documentation for more detail.


MIT © Risan Bagja Pradana


This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Giphy or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial API.