
Shorthand git syntax to sharpen your git fu and increase productivity.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gitFury from '';


Git Fury

A lightweight git utility that enables shorthand git syntax to sharpen your git fu and increase productivity.

git-fury is no longer maintained on npm. See for latest version.

Table of Contents


npm install -g git-fury

### optionally set aliases to enhance productivity
git config --global 'fury branch'
git config --global 'fury checkout'
git config --global alias.cp 'fury cherry-pick'
git config --global alias.df 'fury diff'
git config --global alias.ds 'fury desc' # custom "git-fury" command to set and delete branch descriptions
git config --global alias.lg 'fury log --graph --oneline'
git config --global 'fury merge'
git config --global alias.rb 'fury rebase'
git config --global 'fury reset'

Note: Any git command works with git fury, not just those listed in the aliases. Feel free to configure aliases as you see fit.


Shorthand Syntax

Numbers are prepended with HEAD~

  • git fury diff 2 1 is shorthand git diff HEAD~2 HEAD~1
  • git df 2 1 is also shorthand if the optional aliases are set up (see Installation)

Letters represent branch names

  • git co b is shorthand for git checkout some-branch (assuming aliases are set up)
  • git rb -i a is shorthand for git rebase -i master (assuming aliases are set up)

See it in action

Manage Branch Descriptions

Branch descriptions allow you to add notes to branches.

git fury desc 'My description'   # Set description for current branch
git fury desc -S                 # Show description for current branch
git fury desc -D                 # Delete description for current branch

git fury desc a 'My description' # Set description for branch (a)
git fury desc a -S               # Show description for branch (a)
git fury desc a -D               # Delete description for branch (a)

## or with aliases set up
git ds 'My description'


  • Add the --dry-run option on any git fury command to see which git command would be executed, but without actually executing it. This also works if aliases are set up.
  • It's useful to set the branch description to a URL (e.g. a pull request, user story, bug ticket, etc).
  • Mac users using iTerm2 can open a branch description formatted as a URL using cmd+click.
  • Tired of typing git? Use bash aliases instead.