
Markdown to HTML with webpack

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import githubMarkdownHtml from '';



build greenkeeper

Markdown to HTML with webpack

Uses webpack to perform the following:

  • turns your markdown into HTML markup (markdown-loader)
  • highlights fenced code blocks (highlight-loader)
  • drops the rendered markup in a basic HTML template (html-webpack-plugin)
  • embeds styles to make your page just like Github by default (github-markdown-css)
  • 🔜 or use your custom styles (TODO)
  • cleans embedded styles of any unused CSS rules (html-webpack-uncss-plugin)


npm install github-markdown-html

simple use-case

Once installed (globally) you can go into any of your repos with a then execute github-markdown-html build.

This will drop an index.html in the same directory that you can simply publish with the gh-pages module:

gh-pages -d . -s index.html

(You can also gitignore /index.html to keep your master branch clean.)


github-markdown-html [script]
  • script is one of build or dev (optional, defaults to dev)

available scripts

  • build drops the built HTML in the current directory
github-markdown-html build # open index.html
  • dev starts the webpack-dev-server
github-markdown-html start # open http://localhost:8080

🔜 custom config (TODO)