
This module helps in solving the problem of managing global variable in nodejs application. Set the global variable using global-node class and get it anywhere in application using the same class. It helps in writing clean and maintainable code.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import globalNode from '';


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global-node 🌍

This module helps in solving the problem of managing global variable in nodejs application. Set the global variable using global-node class and get it anywhere in application using the same class. It helps in writing clean and maintainable code.

Install instruction

Below npm v5.0.0

 $ npm install global-node --save

Above v5.0.0

 $ npm install global-node 


Require the module

const globalNode = require('global-node');

Basic add and get properties

  in app.js 
  make a instance of global-node by just requiring the module
  and set some properties

const globalNode = require('global-node');
globalNode.setProperty('key', 'value');
const val = globalNode.getValue('key');
console.log(val) // -> value;

  now in some other file just get the variable by requiring the module and calling getValue('key'); function

const val = globalNode.getValue('key');
console.log(val) // -> value;


Get the value of the property.

const val = globalNode.getValue(key);


Delete the property.

// if property doesn't exist it will throw an error


List all the properties.

globalNode.setProperty('key', 'value');
globalNode.setProperty('key2', 'value2');
const lst = globalNode.listProperty() //  returns and array
console.log(lst) // [ key, key2 ];


Check if property exist.

globalNode.setProperty('key', 'value');
const isExist = globalNode.isPropertyExist('key');
console.log(isExist) // true;
isExist = globalNode.isPropertyExist('nokey');
console.log(isExist) // false;


Clear all the global properties

globalNode.setProperty('key', 'value');globalNode.emptyAll()
const lst = globalNode.listProperty() //  returns and array
console.log(lst) // [ ]; // removed all the property from the global object

Fetch properties from .json file

You can get the default global variables from the file by setting the environment variable GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE='/pathtofile' this must be the absolute path to the file and the file must be a valid JSON otherwise it will throw and error.


 $ npm install
 $ npm run test
 $ npm run test:coverage // for coverage
  • Test 1: File exist
  • Test 2: File not exists
  • Test 3: Check Property Exists
  • Test 4: Get Property
  • Test 5: Get Property After Set
  • Test 6: Delete Property After Set
  • Test 7: Property Don't Exist
  • Test 8: Property Do Exist
  • Test 9: List Property

Tests After Clearing all Properties

  • Test 10: Get Property After Set
  • Test 11: Get After Delete Property
  • Test 12: Delete Non existing Property
  • Test 13: Property Don't Exist
  • Test 14: Property Do Exist
  • Test 15: List Property


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
