
Polyglot.js extended to load JSON translation files and cache them.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gomoobI18n from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/gomoob.i18n';



Polyglot.js extended to load JSON translation files and cache them.

gomoob.i18n is an extension to the AirBnb Polyglot.js translation library.

Quick start

The main goals of gomoob.i18n are :

  • Provide an easy to use load method to dynamically load translation files using ajax HTTP requests and reconfigure Polyglot automatically ;
  • Manage translations embedded in a DOM node to speedup first page display, then switch to translation loading using HTTP ;
  • Cache translation files on client side, in memory, in the Local Storage or using a custom cache manager. Version your translation files to only reload translations when its needed ;
  • Easy management of several translations, for example an application could have a set of translations per module or per sub-application.

Here is a simple sample used to load a JSON translation file using the library.

// Configure a Polyglot instance with URL builder used to locate JSON translation files on a particular server
var polyglot = new Polyglot(
        urlBuilder : function(type, locale, version) {
            return 'https://myserver.com/i18n/' + type + '/' + locale + '.json?v=' + version;

// Loads French translations from 'https://myserver.com/i18n/connected/fr.json?v=0.1.0'
        type : 'connected',
        locale : 'fr',
        version : '0.1.0', 
        success : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { ... }, 
        error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { ... }           

Here the fr.json file will be automatically fetched, then the polyglot instance will be reconfigured with the fetched translations.

gomoob.i18n uses a client side cache to persist the translations, by default if you call the the load method two times successively then the first call will get the JSON translations and put them into the cache. The second call will check if their is a cache key for the tuple {type, locale, version}, if their is then the translations are pulled from the cache.



Bower is available on bower.io and npmjs.org.


bower install gomoob.i18n


npm i gomoob.i18n --save


gomoob.i18n is an UMD module, so its very easy to use it.


Use gomoob.i18n with Browserify.

var polyglot = require('gomoob.i18n');



Use gomoob.i18n with RequireJS.

define(['gomoob.i18n'], function(Polyglot) {


Old school

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/libs/polyglot.min.js" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/libs/gomoob.i18n.min.js" />
var polyglot = new Polyglot();

Additional Polyglot methods

cache(type, locale, version, phrases)



Loads translations associated to the type, locale and version parameters, internally this method will build a URL using the URL builder configures in the Polyglot instance.

Each time translations are successfully fetched they are put in a translation cache by default, so subsequent calls to the method and for the same {type, locale, version} tuple will not perform not necessary HTTP requests and pull translations from the cache.

If for some reasons your need to force a refresh of a cache entry you can call the method with the forceReload option.


        forceReload : false,
        type : 'sub-module-a',
        locale : 'fr',
        version : '0.1.0', 
        success : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
            // Translation file successfully loaded and cached, polyglot instance re-configured
        error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
            // Fails to load the translation file

The input parameters of the load(options) method are documented in the following sub-sections.


The error(jqXHR jqXHR, String textStatus, String errorThrown) option allows to define a callback method to be called when loading of a translation file with HTTP fails. This method has exactly the same parameters an the jQuery AJAX error method.






The success(data, textStatus, jqXHR) option allows to define a callback method to be called when loading of a translationis successful. This method has exactly the same parameters an the jQuery AJAX success method.

If the success method is called it means that

  • The HTTP ajax request used to pull the translation file is successful
  • The translations (i.e that associated Polyglot phrases) have been cached successfully
  • The Polyglot instance has been automatically re-configured with the pulled translations

Please note that if the translations are loaded from the cache the textStatus and jqXHR parameters are undefined.









Build commands


Best practices & recipies

This section describe useful best practices we use everyday inside our JS projects.

Use a Polyglot singleton


Speedup first time display

 * The first time the 'index.html' file is loaded all the translations required by public pages are embedded into an 
 * `i18n` DOM element in the page. 
 * This `i18n` element MUST HAVE 3 `data-` attributes defined : 
 *  * `locale`  : The name of the locale associated to translations, in most cases this will be equal to the `lang` 
 *                attribute but its not an obligation. For example the server could implement a custom language 
 *                detection while the `index.html` page is requested and inject a `locale` which is the result of a 
 *                custom heuristic ;
 *  * `phrases` : The dictionary which contains the translations, this is called `phrases` because Polyglot.js uses this 
 *                term ; 
 *  * `type`    : An arbitrary string which defines the type of the translation dictionary, this can then be used in 
 *                the application to manage multiple dictionaries. For example we could define a specific dictionary for 
 *                sub-application or sub-modules. 
var i18nElement = $('#i18n');

// Create a singleton Polyglot instance which will be used everywhere in the application
console.log('Loading public transaltions...');
var polyglot = new Polyglot(
        locale : i18nElement.data('locale'),
        phrases: i18nElement.data('phrases'), 
        type : i18nElement.data('type'), 
        version : '__default__',
        urlBuilder : function(type, locale, version) {
            return config.translationsUrl + type + '/' + locale + '.json?v=' + version;
console.log('Public translations loaded.');

Translation files versionning


Caching large translation files


Using common translation files in several projects


Create JSON translation files with Gulp and Browserify


Embed translation in a DOM node with Gulp and Preprocess


Expose the t method to templates


Release history

1.0.0-alpha.4 (2016-12-03)

  • Fix a bug while calling the URL builder, the locale, type and version passed was not the right ones.

1.0.0-alpha.3 (2016-12-01)

  • Now the translations cache is only created if at least one phrase is present in the constructor.

1.0.0-alpha.2 (2016-11-30)

  • Fix bug in load(options), the function was not using options configured in the constructor ;
  • Fix undefined local variable (should be locale) in load(options).

1.0.0-alpha.1 (2015-08-23)

  • First release