
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use OPTIONS or DELETE methods in the browser?

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gpodRequest from '';


Get/Post/Options/Delete Request Mapper

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use OPTIONS or DELETE methods in the browser?

This library lets you do this by treating URLs ending in the ! character as special cases.

  • GET /resource! becomes OPTIONS /resource, good for showing an edit form
  • POST /resource!! becomes DELETE /resource, good for deleting a resource

In all other cases, !! and ! get stripped from your path.




Get/Post/Options/Delete Request mapper

See: module:new-lib.default

module.exports ⏏

Kind: Exported class

new module.exports(req)

Map a Node request object to a generic GPOD request

Param Type Description
req HTTP.IncomingRequest The Node request object


Return the path and query part of this object combined

Kind: instance property of module.exports

module.exports.getBody() ⇒ string

Return the body as a string

Kind: instance method of module.exports

module.exports.getData() ⇒ URLSearchParams

Return the body as a SearchParams object

Kind: instance method of module.exports

module.exports.url(request) ⇒

Turn the request back to a GET/POST url

Kind: static method of module.exports
Returns: string

Param Type
request Request