
GrapesJS Plugin Webpage Preset

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import grapesjsPresetWebpageEditedV1 from '';


GrapesJS Preset Webpage


  • Plugin name: gjs-preset-webpage
  • Includes:
    • grapesjs-blocks-basic Basic set of blocks
    • grapesjs-navbar Simple navbar component
    • grapesjs-component-countdown Simple countdown component
    • grapesjs-plugin-forms Set of form components and blocks
    • grapesjs-aviary Add the Aviary Image Editor
    • grapesjs-plugin-filestack Add Filestack uploader in Asset Manager
    • grapesjs-plugin-export Export GrapesJS templates in a zip archive
  • Commands:
    • gjs-open-import-webpage Opens a modal for the import
    • set-device-desktop Set desktop device
    • set-device-tablet Setup tablet device
    • set-device-mobile Setup mobile device
    • canvas-clear Clear all components and styles inside canvas
  • Blocks:
    • link-block
    • quote
    • text-basic


| Option | Description | Default | | - | - | - | | blocks | Which blocks to add | ['link-block', 'quote', 'text-basic'] | | modalImportTitle | Modal import title | 'Import' | | modalImportButton | Modal import button text | 'Import' | | modalImportLabel | Import description inside import modal | '' | | modalImportContent | Default content to setup on import model open. Could also be a function with a dynamic content return (must be a string) eg. modalImportContent: editor => editor.getHtml() | '' | | importViewerOptions | Code viewer (eg. CodeMirror) options | {} | | textCleanCanvas | Confirm text before cleaning the canvas | 'Are you sure to clean the canvas?' | | showStylesOnChange | Show the Style Manager on component change | true | | textGeneral | Text for General sector in Style Manager | 'General' | | textLayout | Text for Layout sector in Style Manager | 'Layout' | | textTypography | Text for Typography sector in Style Manager | 'Typography' | | textDecorations | Text for Decorations sector in Style Manager | 'Decorations' | | textExtra | Text for Extra sector in Style Manager | 'Extra' | | customStyleManager | Use custom set of sectors for the Style Manager | [] | | blocksBasicOpts | grapesjs-blocks-basic plugin options. By setting this option to false will avoid loading the plugin | {} | | navbarOpts | grapesjs-navbar plugin options. By setting this option to false will avoid loading the plugin | {} | | countdownOpts | grapesjs-component-countdown plugin options. By setting this option to false will avoid loading the plugin | {} | | formsOpts | grapesjs-plugin-forms plugin options. By setting this option to false will avoid loading the plugin | {} | | exportOpts | grapesjs-plugin-export plugin options. By setting this option to false will avoid loading the plugin | {} | | aviaryOpts | grapesjs-aviary plugin options. Aviary library should be included manually. By setting this option to false will avoid loading the plugin | false | | filestackOpts | grapesjs-plugin-filestack plugin options. Filestack library should be included manually. By setting this option to false will avoid loading the plugin | false |


$ npm i grapesjs-preset-webpage


<link href="path/to/grapes.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link href="path/to/grapesjs-preset-webpage.min.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="path/to/grapes.min.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/grapesjs-preset-webpage.min.js"></script>

<div id="gjs"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var editor = grapesjs.init({
      container : '#gjs',
      plugins: ['gjs-preset-webpage'],
      pluginsOpts: {
        'gjs-preset-webpage': {
          // options


Clone the repository

$ git clone && cd grapesjs-preset-webpage

Install dependencies

$ npm i

The plugin relies on GrapesJS via peerDependencies, so you have to install it manually (without adding it to package.json)

$ npm i grapesjs --no-save

Start the dev server

$ npm start


BSD 3-Clause