
Source plugin for pulling data from Google Sheet including multiple tabs and image downloads

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gridsomeSourceGooglesheet from '';


Gridsome Source for Google Sheets

This plugin is based on spenwall/gridsome-source-google-sheets which doesn't seem to be actively maintained.

Source plugin for fetching data from Google Sheets. Supports multiple tabs per sheet and image downloads.


Gridsome: >0.7.0


yarn add gridsome-source-googlesheet


npm install gridsome-source-googlesheet

How to use

You will need to generate a google api key here. The sheetId can be found on the sheets url. It is the large hash number near the end. You will also need to make your spreadsheet viewable to the public to use the api credentials.

module.exports = {
  siteName: 'Gridsome',
  plugins: [
      use: 'gridsome-source-google-sheets',
      options: {
        sheetId: 'GOOGLE_SHEET_ID',
        apiKey: 'GOOGLE_API_KEY',
        tab: 'TAB_NAME' // Optional - must match the name of the tab in the Google Sheet.
        type: 'TYPE_NAME', // Optional - default is googleSheet. Used for graphql queries.
        imageFields: ['COLUMN_NAME','COLUMN_NAME'] // Optional - must be an array of column names. Columns must contain direct URLs to image files that are publicly accessible
      use: 'gridsome-source-google-sheets', // To use more than one tab "use" the plugin again
      options: {
        sheetId: 'GOOGLE_SHEET_ID',
        apiKey: 'GOOGLE_API_KEY',
        tab: 'SECOND_TAB_NAME' // Optional - must match the name of the tab in the Google Sheet.
        type: 'SECOND_TYPE_NAME', // Optional - default is googleSheet. Used for graphql queries.
        imageFields: ['COLUMN_NAME','COLUMN_NAME'] // Optional - must be an array of column names. Columns must contain direct URLs to image files that are publicly accessible

Example query on page template

  query MyData {
    allGoogleSheet {
      edges {
        node {

To use data in page

    {{ $ }}
    {{ $page.allGoogleSheet.node.title }}

Using Templates

To use this in a template first setup the template route in gridsome.config.js

module.exports = {
  siteName: 'Gridsome',
  plugins: [
      use: 'gridsome-source-google-sheets',
      options: {
        sheetId: 'GOOGLE_SHEET_ID',
        apiKey: 'GOOGLE_API_KEY',
        // type: 'TYPE_NAME', //Optional - default is googleSheet. Used for graphql queries.
  templates: {
    googleSheet: [
        path: '/:id',
        component: './src/templates/googleSheet.vue'

Example template in src/template/googleSheet.vue


query Post ($path: String!) {
  googleSheet (path: $path) {