
A grunt task for markdown style checker and lint tool.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gruntMarkdownlint from '';



NPM Version CI Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities Inline docs License Total Downloads

A grunt task for markdown style checker and lint tool.


The markdownlint grunt plugin enables to run rule based linting on your project markdown files.

See markdownlint for more information.

For linting rules, please see Rules document.


In order to use the markdownlint plugin, please use following example:

//to use via grunt, first load the task
require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); // npm install --save-dev load-grunt-tasks
//or load it manually

  markdownlint: {
    example1: {
      options: {
        config: { //configure the linting rules
          'default': true,
          'line-length': false,
          'blanks-around-headers': false,
          'no-duplicate-header': false,
          'no-inline-html': false
      src: [
    example2: {
      options: {
        config: grunt.file.readJSON(rulesFile) //read linting rules from file
      src: [

grunt.registerTask('default', ['markdownlint:example1']);

The different options are defined in the markdownlint api documentation.


In order to use this library, just run the following npm install command:

npm install --save-dev grunt-markdownlint

API Documentation

See full docs at: API Docs


See contributing guide

Release History

Date Version Description
2022-01-04 v3.1.4 Upgrade markdownlint version
2021-08-24 v3.1.3 Upgrade markdownlint version
2021-02-08 v3.1.2 Upgrade markdownlint version
2020-11-26 v3.1.1 Upgrade markdownlint version
2020-09-22 v3.1.0 Upgrade markdownlint version
2020-05-11 v3.0.0 Migrate to github actions and upgrade minimal node version
2020-04-13 v2.10.0 Upgrade markdownlint version
2018-06-07 v2.0.0 Upgrade markdownlint and minimal node version
2018-05-29 v1.1.6 Upgrade markdownlint version
2016-11-04 v1.0.11 Support new markdownlint 0.3.0 options
2016-07-01 v0.1.0 Updated task config to use options
2016-06-14 v0.0.5 Initial release


Developed by Sagie Gur-Ari and licensed under the Apache 2 open source license.