
Download and Run Mozilla Addon SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gruntMozillaAddonSdk from '';



Download and Run Mozilla Addon SDK

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-mozilla-addon-sdk --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "mozilla-addon-sdk" tasks


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named mozilla-addon-sdk to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig() to define a Mozilla Addon SDK to download and use, a section named mozilla-cfx-xpi to define the xpi building tasks and a section named mozilla-cfx`` to define arbitrary cfx commands to run (e.g. cfx runto try your extension in a temporary profile andcfx test` to run your test cases)

  "mozilla-addon-sdk": {
    'latest': {
      options: {
        // revision: "latest", // default official revision
        dest_dir: "build_tools/"
    '1_14': {
      options: {
        revision: "1.14",
        dest_dir: "build_tools/"
    'master': {
      options: {
        revision: "master",
        github: true,
        // github_user: "mozilla" // default value
        // dest_dir: "tmp/mozilla-addon-sdk"  //  default value
  "mozilla-cfx-xpi": {
    'stable': {
      options: {
        "mozilla-addon-sdk": "latest",
        extension_dir: "ff_extension",
        dist_dir: "tmp/dist-stable"
    'experimental': {
      options: {
        "mozilla-addon-sdk": "master",
        extension_dir: "ff_extension",
        dist_dir: "tmp/dist-experimental",
        strip_sdk: false // true by default
  "mozilla-cfx": {
    'run_stable': {
      options: {
        "mozilla-addon-sdk": "1_14",
        extension_dir: "ff_extension",
        command: "run"
    'run_experimental': {
      options: {
        "mozilla-addon-sdk": "master",
        extension_dir: "ff_extension",
        command: "run",
        pipe_output: true

Custom cfx command could be defined using a section named mozilla-cfx:

  "mozilla-addon-sdk": {
    "1_14": {
  "mozilla-cfx": {
    custom_command: {
      options: {
        "mozilla-addon-sdk": "1_14",
        extension_dir: "ff_extension",
        command: "run",
        arguments: "-b /usr/bin/firefox-nightly -p /tmp/PROFILE_REUSED"

NOTE: all tasks use FIREFOX_BIN and FIREFOX_PROFILE environment variables, if defined, to customize the Firefox binary and Firefox profile dir used to run or test the extension.


"mozilla-addon-sdk" is a grunt multi-task which supports the following task options


Type: String Default value: undefined

A string value that is used as the Mozilla Addon SDK revision to download and use to build addon xpi.


Type: Bool Default value: false

A boolean value used to download a Mozilla Addon SDK from a github repo archive.

By default its value is false (addon-sdk archive downloaded from official releases), set it to true if you want to use a development release from github.


Type: String Default value: mozilla

A string value used as Github User for addon-sdk github archive to downloads, it could be used to use a different github fork of the original mozilla addon-sdk repo.


Type: String Default value: tmp/mozilla-addon-sdk

A string value used as the path where the github repo of this addon-sdk will be cloned.


"mozilla-cfx-xpi" is a grunt multi-task which builds addon xpi archives using the available addon-sdk revisions.


Type: String Default value: null

A string value used to set the addon-sdk (as named in the "mozilla-addon-sdk" section) to be used to create the xpi archive.


Type: String Default value: null

A string value that is used as the path which contains the addon extension to build.


Type: String Default value: null

A string value that is used as the path where the generated addon xpi should be moved.


Type: Bool Default value: true

A boolean value that is used to configure if addon-sdk bundled modules will be stripped from or bundled in the xpi.


  • 'strip_sdk == true' (default) is like "cfx --strip-sdk REST_ARGS"
  • 'strip_sdk == false' is like "cfx --no-strip-xpi --force-use-bundled-sdk REST_ARGS"


Type Bool Default value: null

A boolean value that is used to enable/disable print cfx commands output


"mozilla-cfx" is a grunt multi-task which run cfx command line tool on a extension directory using the available addon-sdk revisions.


Type: String Default value: null

A string value used to set the addon-sdk (as named in the "mozilla-addon-sdk" section) to be used to run the defined cfx command.


Type: String Default value: null

A string value that is used as the path which contains the addon extension to build.


Type: String Default value: null

A string value that is used as the cfx command to run.


Type: String

A string value that is used to pass arguments to the cfx command to run.


Type Bool Default value: null

A boolean value that is used to enable/disable print cfx commands output

Usage Examples

Download and unpack Mozilla Addon SDK:

$ grunt mozilla-addon-sdk
Running "mozilla-addon-sdk:1_14" (mozilla-addon-sdk) task

Running "mozilla-addon-sdk:master" (mozilla-addon-sdk) task

Done, without errors.

Generate addon XPI

$ grunt mozilla-cfx-xpi
Running "mozilla-cfx-xpi:release" (mozilla-cfx-xpi) task
Creating dist dir '/home/rpl/PROJECTS/2013/MOZILLA/DEVTOOLS-EXT/grunt-mozilla-addon-sdk/tmp/dist'...
Creating xpi...
Generated XPI: /home/rpl/PROJECTS/2013/MOZILLA/DEVTOOLS-EXT/grunt-mozilla-addon-sdk/tmp/dist/test-addon.xpi

Done, without errors.

Release History

  • 0.4.0 - download the latest stable released addon-sdk (by default), strip sdk from xpi by default (strip_sdk option), pipe commands output (pipe_output option)
  • 0.3.2 - fix issues handling space chars in the paths
  • 0.3.1 - use FIREFOX_BIN and FIREFOX_PROFILE environment variables in cfx helper
  • 0.3.0 - support multiple addon-sdk (NOTE: config syntax changes)
  • 0.2.0 - added windows support and custom cfx command using 'mozilla-cfx' grunt multi-task
  • 0.1.0 - initial release (download and xpi sub-tasks)