
Transform and inject resources into HTML template.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gulpHere from '';



npm version

Transform and inject resources into HTML template.


npm install gulp-here --save-dev


  • In gulp stream:
var here = require('gulp-here')
        here(gulp.src(['asserts/*.css', 'asserts/*.js']), {
             * Namespace match
             * @optional
             * @type {String}
            name: 'asserts',
             * Sort method of the injecting order of resources
             * @optional
             * @param  {Array} resources  resources list, each item is a vinyl stream
             * @param  {Stream} target    target html template for injecting
             * @param  {Object} options   options given by `Here`'s tag of html template
             * @return {Array}            New resources list
            sort: function (resources, target, options) {
                // resource => ['dist/a.js', 'dist/b.js', 'dist/a.css']
             * Change resource's path manually
             * @optional
             * @param  {Stream} file      file is a resource that will be injected to template file. It's a vinyl stream.
             * @param  {Stream} target    target html template for injecting
             * @param  {Object} options   options given by here's tag of template html
             * @return {String} full path of the resource
            prefix: function (file, target, options) {
                // set relative to false will not change path to relative path of "cwd"
                option.relative = false
                return  '/path/to/cdn/' + file.relative
            // or 
            // prefix: 'http://path/to/resource/',
             * Transform method that for injecting custom resource url/content
             * @optional
             * @param  {Stream} file      file is a resource that will be injected to template file. It's a vinyl stream.
             * @param  {Stream} target    target html template for injecting
             * @param  {Object} options   options given by here's tag of template html
             * @return {String|Boolean}   
            transform: function (file, target, options) {
                if (cnd1) return false // will skip inject step
                else if (cnd2) return '<script src="quot;></script>'.replace(PREFIX, file.path) // transform to custom centent
                else return true // continue inject step

Notice: File object is a vinly stream.

  • Template syntax:

Inject tag syntax in the format of:


Support queries:

  • inline Inline file contents to HTML, default false

  • wrap HTML tag wrapper HTML tag for resource contontent, default true.Using with inline only.

For example:

<!-- here:asserts_here:\.html$??inline&wrap=false --><!-- /here -->

Inline resources:

Notice: query will be passed to sort and transform method as options.

<!-- here:\.css$??inline --><!-- /here -->

Namespace match(matching with "" if given):

<!-- here:namespace:\.css$ --><!-- /here -->

More complex matching regexp:

<!-- here:\.(css|js|jsx)$ --><!-- /here -->
  • Extname mapping:

Using here.mapping(from, to) to map extension of resource for reusing default wrapper when injecting:

here.mapping('ejs', 'html')
    .mapping('less', 'css')