
A gulp plugin to compile mustache HTML templates to JavaScript functions using hogan.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gulpHoganPrecompile from '';



A gulp plugin to compile mustache HTML templates to JavaScript functions using hogan.


In your gulpfile:

var hoganCompiler = require('gulp-hogan-precompile');
var declare = require('gulp-declare');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');

gulp.task('templates', function() {
        namespace: 'templates',
        noRedeclare: true

This will compile the mustache templates in the templates/ folder into JavaScript with hogan.compile(). Then, it will define them in the 'templates' namespace with gulp-declare plugin, and finally, merge and write them to js/templates.js file.

For example, for the following folder structure

├── gulpfile.js                # Your gulpfile
└── templates/                 # Your tempaltes
    ├── layout.html            # A template that will be available as templates.layout
    └── home/                  # A folder to group some templates
        └── foo.html           # A template that will be available as

It would generate:

this["templates"] = this["templates"] || {};
this["templates"]["layout"] = new Hogan.Template( /* compiled template */ );
this["templates"]["foo"] = new Hogan.Template( /* compiled template */ );

Compiling to various module systems

See the gulp-define-module documentation for details on how to define templates as AMD, CommonJS, and hybrid modules.

For example, to compile the previous folder structure to AMD:

var hoganCompiler = require('gulp-hogan-precompile');
var defineModule = require('gulp-define-module');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');

gulp.task('templates', function() {

gulp-define-module let's you define a custom wrapper for templates (e.g. new MyApp.Hogan.Template( /* compiled template */ )) with options.wrapper, which defaults to false (no wrapper), but first you must disable the default wrapper in gulp-hogan-precompile providing an options object with wrap set to false:

gulp.task('templates', function() {
        wrap: false
      .pipe(defineModule('amd', {
        wrapper: 'new MyApp.Hogan.Template(<%= contents %>)'

gulp-hogan-precompile also sets a default options.require of { Hogan: 'hogan.js' } for gulp-define-module so Hogan will be present into defined AMD, CommonJS, or hybrid modules. You can change this by passing a different options.require when you invoke gulp-define-module.




Type: Object

Compiler options to pass to hogan.compile().


Type: Boolean

Tells this plugin to wrap compiled templates in new Hogan.Template( /* compiled template */ ) or not. Defaults to true.