
Minify javascript by UglifyJs2 with command line options for gulp

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gulpUglifyCli from '';


gulp-uglify-cli NPM version

Minify javascript by UglifyJs2 with command line options for gulp.


npm i -g uglify-js
npm i --save-dev gulp-uglify-cli


var uglify = require('gulp-uglify-cli')

gulp.task('minifyjs', function(){
  return gulp.src('index.js')


You can use all command line options in UglifyJs2.

  • String command line option

    uglify('-c -m --screw-ie8')

  • Array command line option

    uglify(['-c', '-m', '--screw-ie8'])

  • Hash option

    uglify({preCommand: 'license.js', command: '-c -m --screw-ie8'})

    By setting output option, you can output file directly.

    uglify({command: '-c', output: '/home/test/output.js'})

    By setting uglifyjs option, you can use custom uglifyjs path.

    uglify({command: '-c', uglifyjs: '/home/node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs'})

    If you have an error 'Permission Denied' in 'gulp-uglify-cli', please try to use tmp option which is accessible file path.

    uglify({command: '-c', tmp: '/tmp/_tmp.js'})