
Extract YUI Loader meta from YUI modules

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gulpYuiMeta from '';



Package gulp-yui-meta
Description Extract and concat YUI Loader meta data from YUI Modules
Node Version ≥ 0.10

Basic Usage

Extract meta from build YUI modules and concat to string representation of a JavaScript object.

var yuiMeta = require("gulp-yui-meta");

gulp.task("templates", function () {
  return gulp.src("./lib/build/*/*-min.js")

Supported meta data

The supported parameters for the YUI module configuration can be found in the YUI Documentation.

Note This plugin accounts for functions inside the module configuration and keeps them executable in the outputted JavaScript Object. If you want to save the meta data as a .json file you have to parse them out before.


The following example of a gulp task assumes you have your build modules in subfolders by module name in a ./public/build folder:

var yuiMeta = require("gulp-yui-meta"),
    wrap = require("gulp-wrap"),
    rename = require("gulp-rename"),
    uglify = require("gulp-uglify");

gulp.task("meta", function () {
    return gulp.src(["public/build/*/*.js", "public/build/*/*.css"])
        // Concat the YUI module meta
        // Wrap the plain JavaScript hash inside a template to be able to
        // include it as a script in the browser later on. You may change the
        // template if you want to use the meta data as an AMD or RequireJS
        // module instead.
        .pipe(wrap("YUI.namespace(\"Env\").modules = <%= contents %>;\n"))
        // Write the file to disk
        // Rename the file from `meta.js` to `meta-min.js`
        .pipe(rename({suffix: "-min"}))
        // Minify the meta file
        // Write the minified file to disk

This task generates a meta folder inside your public/build folder, which will contain a raw (meta.js) and a minified (meta-min.js) version of your YUI module meta.

Now you can use the meta file in your HTML like this:

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="/build/meta/meta-min.js"></script>
        (function (window) {
            window.YUI_config || (window.YUI_config = {});
            window.YUI_config.groups || (window.YUI_config.groups = {});
            window.YUI_config.groups.myGroup = {
                filter: "min",
                base: "build/",
                comboBase: "combo?",
                root: "build/",
                modules: YUI.namespace("Env").modules

        YUI().use("my-custom-module", function (Y) {
            "use strict";
            var myClass = new Y.MyCustomClass();


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