
Utility library for apps deployed using handel and handel-codepipeline

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import handelUtils from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/handel-utils';



Utility library for apps deployed using handel and handel-codepipeline

Environment Variables

Functions to deal with environment variables injected by Handel


Retrieves the value of an environment variable injected by Handel


  • serviceType: the type of the service exporting the variable (for example 's3') The valid service types are:

    • dynamodb
    • efs
    • memcached
    • mysql
    • postgresql
    • redis
    • s3
    • sns
    • sqs
  • serviceName: the name of the service as configured in your handel.yml file

  • variableName: the variable to retrieve (for example 'BUCKET_NAME')


Retrieves environment variables injected into each service by Handel

Example result:

    appName: 'TEST_APP',
    envName: 'DEV',
    serviceName: 'TESTARTIFACT',
    serviceVersion: 'V1',
    parameterStorePrefix: 'myapp.dev'

Parameter Store Values

Retrieve a set of values scoped under your Handel application from the AWS EC2 Parameter Store


Retrieves values from EC2 Parameter Store


  • AWS: An instance of the AWS node API. Be sure to set the region correctly.
  • keyList: An array of keys to retrieve. Each one will be prefixed with the app name and environment name from Handel.


const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
AWS.config.update({region: 'us-west-2'})

fetchParameters(AWS, ['mykey1', 'nested.key2']).then(data => {
    data will be equal to:
      mykey1: 'MyValue1',
      nested: {
        key2: 'MyNestedValue2'