
Some helpers for setting up Hapi

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hapiHapi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hapi-hapi';


Hapi Hapi

A collection of helpers for setting up a Hapi server.



Require a directory tree of controllers/routes:

HapiHapi = require('hapi-hapi');

// assuming a server has been created

HapiHapi.controllers(server, __dirname + '/controllers');


Create a route for serving static assets:

HapiHapi = require('hapi-hapi');

// assuming a server has been created

HapiHapi.assets(server, __dirname + '/build', '/assets/{param*}');

You can also pass an array as the fourth argument to set up special files (eg. robots.txt, favicon.ico) that need to be served from the root path:

HapiHapi.assets(Server, __dirname + '/build', null, [
  __dirname + '/static/robots.txt', // Makes /robots.txt available
  __dirname + '/static/favicon.ico' // Makes /favicon.ico available


Set up view handling (with Handlebars):

HapiHapi = require('hapi-hapi');

// assuming a server has been created

HapiHapi.views(server, __dirname + '/views', { title: 'This is the title' });

Within the views directory you need to include a layouts and partials folder. Inside layouts you need to include a default.html layout (or specify your own when rendering views).

The third argument is a context to pass into the Handlebars views.