
A reusable API controller module for CRUD operations between Hapi.js and Mongoose

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hapiMongooseController from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hapi-mongoose-controller';



A reusable controller module for CRUD operations between Hapi.js and Ember Data

For example:

var controller = require('hapi-mongoose-controller');

var PostController = controller({
  model: Post

Instead of:

PostController = {

  index: function(request, reply) {

  show: function(request, reply) {

  create: function(request, reply) {
  update: function(request, reply) {
  delete: function(request, reply) {

Use with Ember Data

For use with Ember Data, you will have to set the emberize to true, which by default is false. The reason why is to fit with Ember REST API conventions, which are more strictly defined than Angular.js for example.

With emberize being false, the JSON passed is:

    "_id": "5483d244f673f76109b94e9b",
    "title": "Hello Everyone",
    "body": "How's everyone doing now that the thing is changed.",
    "__v": 0
    "_id": "548bb1c80b3cf5dd02427434",
    "title": "Testing the new payload",
    "body": "tell me what you think.",
    "__v": 0

With emberize set to true:

  posts: [
      "_id": "5483d244f673f76109b94e9b",
      "title": "Hello Everyone",
      "body": "How's everyone doing now that the thing is changed.",
      "__v": 0
      "_id": "548bb1c80b3cf5dd02427434",
      "title": "Testing the new payload",
      "body": "tell me what you think.",
      "__v": 0