
Hapi plugin for interacting with multiple postgres

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hapiPostgresPool from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hapi-postgres-pool';



Hapi plugin for connecting to multiple PostgreSQL databases Using Postgres pool connection

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I've created this module because I couldn't find any PostgreSQL plugin that can connect to multiple Postgresql db. I also want to use a module that use a minimum number of dependencies.


  • Connect to multiple postgres instances.
  • Attach plugin based query and url parameters attachedQueries or/and attachedParams
  • Access postgres connections using server object or request.
  • Support Postgresql native binding.
  • Use pg-pool.
  • Tests


  • If you looking for a quick working example checkout this


  • options (Object):
    • native (Boolean): using Postgresql native client Default: false.
    • user (String): Postgresql username
    • password (String): Postgresql password
    • port (Number): Postgresql port number
    • ssl (Boolean): SSL on/off
    • max (Number): Postgres pool max size
    • min (Number): Postgres pool min size
    • idleTimeoutMillis (Number): close idle clients after 1 second
    • database (String): Database name
    • attach (String): Hapi.js events for creating Postgresql connection available (for more info check HAPI life cycle events) Default: onPreHandler
    • attachedQueries (Array): Array contain strings of query params, for example when passing ['user_id', 'username'] as a query params ?user_id or ?email=asdf@asdf.com&username=aaa the module will attach the plugin.
    • attachedParams (Array): Array contain strings of params same as attachedQueries just for params. for example if the url is /users/{username} and you would like to have the plugin available you can pass attachedParams:['username'].
    • default (String): default db name. when using multiple dbs you might want to use a config or modulo but when the module can't find any connection it will return the default one.
    • connection (Array): Array of db connections
      • key (String): the database name, this will help you to decide which db you would like to access
      • connectionString (String): postgres connection string: postgres://foo:bar@baz:1234/xur
      • user (String): Postgresql username
      • password (String): Postgresql password
      • port (Number): Postgresql port number
      • ssl (Boolean): SSL on/off
      • max (Number): Postgres pool max size
      • min (Number): Postgres pool min size
      • idleTimeoutMillis (Number): close idle clients after 1 second
      • database (String): Database name


  • There are number of examples under the examples directory
* Register the plugin
register: require('hapi-postgres-pool'),
  options: {
    default: 'primary_db',
    native: true,
    attach: 'onPreAuth',
    database: 'postgres',
    user: 'postgres',
    password: 'postgres',
    port: 5432,
    ssl: false,
    max: 20,
    min: 1,
    idleTimeoutMillis: 5000,
    connections: [{
      key: '1', // The key will map request.pg[KEY_HERE].query()... in this case: request.pg['1'].query('SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE...')
      user: 'doron',
      password: 'doron',
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 5432,
      database: 'database_1',
      ssl: false
    }, {
      key: '2',
      user: 'doron2',
      password: 'doron2',
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 5433,
      database: 'database_2',
      ssl: false
    }, {
      key: '3',
      connectionString: 'postgres://foo:bar@baz:1234/xur'
* perform queries
* You can also use Promise.all and query in parallel
* IMPORTANT: don't forget to `release` the client after
* fetching the results `client.release()`
method: 'GET',
path: '/promise',
config: {
  handler: function (request, reply) {
    const queryDB1 = 'select * from SOME_TABLE limit 1';
    const queryDB2 = 'select * from ANOTHER_TABLE limit 1';
    const queryDB2 = 'select * from ANOTHER_TABLE_3 limit 1';
    .then((client1) => {
      .then((res1) => {
        // Release client1
        //do something with res1
        request.pg['2'].connect().then((client2) => {
          .then((res2) => {
            //do something with res2
            return reply({ res2, res1 });
          }).catch((err2) => {
            return reply(err2);
      }).catch((err1) => {
        return reply(err1);

Usage: get connection from plugin

const PgPool = server.plugins['hapi-postgres-pool'].pg;
.then((client) {
  client.query('SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE')
  .then((result) => {
    // Do something with the result
  .catch((err) {
    // handle the error...

Usage: get specific connection safe

const pg =  server.plugins['hapi-postgres-pool'].pg._get('db_1');
.then((client) =>
  client.query('SELECT SOMEHTING...')
  .then((res) => {
  }).catch((errQuery) => {
    // catch the error
}).catch((err) => {
  // handle error and release pg client

or using request object

const pg = request.pg._get('db_1');
.then((client) => {
  client.query('SELECT SOMEHTING...')
  .then((result) {
    // release client and handle results
  }).catch((err) => {
    // handle error and release pg client

When passing invalid connection name the plugin will use the default connection

register: require('hapi-postgres-pool'),
  options: {
    default: 'primary_db',
    native: true,
    attach: 'onPreAuth',
    database: 'postgres',
    user: 'postgres',
    password: 'postgres',
    port: 5432,
    ssl: false,
    max: 20,
    min: 1,
    idleTimeoutMillis: 5000,
    connections: [{
      key: '1', // The key will map request.pg[KEY_HERE].query()... in this case: request.pg['1'].query('SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE...')
      user: 'doron',
      password: 'doron',
 const pg = request.pg._get('invalid_db');
// this will return the default database in this case: 'primary_db'


  • Checkout the examples
  • Checkout the tests
  • Ping me on twitter or github.
  • Twitter
  • Github


  • Please do.