
Hapi project and component bootstrapper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hapiStrapper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hapi-strapper';


Hapi.js Project and Component Bootstrapper

A CLI bootstrapper of a hapi.js full-stack project. This is loosely based on the Ruby on Rails generation and scaffolding.


  • Node.js >=v0.10.32


$ npm install -g hapi-strapper   # sudo may be required

CLI Syntax


$ hapi-strap --help

Create a new project

$ hapi-strap --new <project_name>


  • The project will be created in a new directory immediately under the current working directory where the hapi-strap application is run.
  • A directory with the same name as the project specified must not already exist in the current working directory for the project to be successfully created.

Running the new project

$ cd <project_name>
$ npm test
$ npm start
$ open http://localhost:3000   # if being executed on a machine with a browser


  • The default port number used by the bootstrapped application is 3000. To change the port, edit the config/default.json file or set the PORT environment variable using, for example, $ export PORT=9999.
  • By default, the application will only be accessible from the machine where it is running. This is due to the host value in the config/default.json file being If you want to expose the application to other machines, change the host to, for example, or set the IP environment variable.

Creating a new model

$ hapi-strap -m <item_name>


  • This will generate a new file in the app/models directory.
  • The model includes a schema object, which is used by the underlying validation logic to set the data structure of the model. This is a joi data structure.

Creating a new controller

Still to come...

Creating a model, views, and controller (scaffolding)

$ hapi-strap -s <item_name>
$ npm test


  • This will generate a new model (as above), a controller under app/controllers, views for the controller in a directory matching the item's name (under app/views), as well as modify the config/routes.coffee file to add the RESTful routes for the controller. There will also be a specs test file created for the controller under test/server.


  • Within the application itself, API documentation and routes are always available via the /docs.
  • The routing table is included at the bottom of the home page of the application for your reference during development. If the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to "production", this table is not shown.
