
A jsdom alternative with focus on performance.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import happyDom from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/happy-dom';


Happy DOM Logo


A JSDOM alternative with focus on performance.

Happy DOM aim to support the most common functionality of a web browser.

DOM Features

  • Custom Elements (Web Components)

  • Shadow Root (Shadow DOM)

  • Mutation Observer

  • Tree Walker

  • Fetch

And much more..

Works With


npm install happy-dom


Basic Usage

The example below will show you how to use Happy DOM.

import { Window } from 'happy-dom';

const window = new Window();
const document = window.document;

document.body.innerHTML = '<div class="container"></div>';

const container = document.querySelector('.container');
const button = document.createElement('button');


// Outputs "<div class="container"><button></button></div>"

VM Context

The example below will show you how to setup a Node VM context to render a page in Happy DOM. The VM context can set the Happy DOM window object to be the global object and allow for JavaScript code to be executed scoped within the context.

import { Window } from 'happy-dom';
import VM from 'vm';

const window = VM.createContext(new Window());
const document = window.document;

window.location.href = 'http://localhost:8080';

             <title>Test page</title>
             <div class="container">
                  <!–– Content will be added here -->
            const element = document.createElement('div');
            const container = document.querySelector('.container');
            element.innerHTML = 'Test';

// Will output "Test"
console.log(document.querySelector('.container div').innerHTML);

Additional Features

Happy DOM exposes two functions that may be useful when working with asynchrounous code.


Returns a Promise that is resolved when all async tasks has been completed.

window.happyDOM.whenAsyncComplete().then(() => {
    // Do something when all async tasks are completed.


This method will cancel all running async tasks.

window.setTimeout(() => {
    // This timeout will be canceled


Operation JSDOM Happy DOM
Import / Require 333 ms 45 ms
Parse HTML 256 ms 26 ms
Serialize HTML 65 ms 8 ms
Render custom element 214 ms 19 ms
querySelectorAll('tagname') 4.9 ms 0.7 ms
querySelectorAll('.class') 6.4 ms 3.7 ms
querySelectorAll('[attribute]') 4.0 ms 1.7 ms
querySelectorAll('[class~="name"]') 5.5 ms 2.9 ms
querySelectorAll(':nth-child(2n+1)') 10.4 ms 3.8 ms

See how the test was done here


Happy DOM provide with a package called @happy-dom/jest-environment that makes it possible to use Happy DOM with Jest.

Server Side Rendering

Happy DOM provide with a package called @happy-dom/server-rendering that makes the setup of server side rendering easier.