
A node.js module that identifies cryptographic hash algorithms from ciphertext.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hashologist from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hashologist';


Hashologist (v0.0.5)

Build Status

A node.js module that identifies cryptographic hash algorithms from resultant ciphertext.

This is a port of a Python library to Node (https://code.google.com/p/hash-identifier/)


Run npm install -g hashologist

Basic usage

var Hashologist = require('hashologist');
var hash = new Hashologist('d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e');
var algos = hash.solve(); // ["MD5"]

Supported Algorithms

The following algorithms are supported so far (more to come):

  • MD5
  • SHA1
  • SHA256
  • SHA512

All algorithms are found in the algos.json file.

Command line tool

Basic usage

If you install this package with the -g flag, a script will be placed in your path called hashologist (also alaised to hasho to save those precious keystrokes).

$ hasho -h

  Usage: hashologist hash1 hash2...


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

$ hasho 4229d691b07b13341da53f17ab9f2416 7d793037a0760186574b0282f2f435e7
│ Hash                                   │ Possible algorithms          │
│ 4229d691b07b13341da53f17ab9f2416       │ MD5                          │
│ 7d793037a0760186574b0282f2f435e7       │ MD5                          │

Piping from another application

Sometimes it might be useful to use the standard output of another application as the arguments to this script. That is possible using the magic of Unix pipes and Node Streams.

Text streams with hashes separated with any combination of [,\n ]+ will work.

Here's a example of querying a password column in MySQL and piping the output to Hashologist:

$ mysql -e "SELECT password FROM users" -s | hasho

│ Hash                                   │ Possible algorithms          │
│ 42bb6b99ef64edd72b58efa8a70f4c37       │ MD5                          │
│ e16cb092a0dbb62f1d6d933894ab20b1       │ MD5                          │


Tests are written in mocha. Run npm test to run all test.


  • Add more algorithms
  • Add different output options for CLI tool