
Common HTTP errors to be used with express.js or whatever engine you use.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hata from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hata';


Hata (HTTP Errors)

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Common HTTP errors to be used with express.js or whatever engine you use.

The name

Hata means "error" in Arabic (and Turkish!), which is where the package name comes from.


The following error types are currently supported:

  • (400) bad-request: BadRequestError
  • (401) unauthorized: UnauthorizedError
  • (403) forbidden: ForbiddenError
  • (404) not-found: NotFoundError
  • (409) conflict: ConflictError
  • (422) unprocessable-entity: UnprocessableEntityError

The error object is an instance of Error, with the properties name, message and stack.


var NotFoundError = require('hata/not-found');

throw new NotFoundError('Product not found');

You can also add more properties to the error object by passing them as the second parameter.

var NotFoundError = require('hata/not-found');

var error = new NotFoundError('Product not found', { item: 'product', id: 1, });
// error now has attributes `item` and `id`.

You can also use it in the following way:

var hata = require('hata');
var error = hata(404/*, message, obj*/);


Just add a regular error handler like the following:

// http://expressjs.com/guide/error-handling.html
app.use(function(err, req, res, next) { // jshint ignore:line
  return res
            .status(err.httpCode || 500)
            .header('content-type: application/json')