
This tag plugin will add a max-width style into the specified image. Look at the source if you want an example on how to access an asset path.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hexoMinshImg from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hexo-minsh-img';



This tag plugin will add a max-width style into the specified image. Look at the source if you want an example on how to access an asset path.


{% minsh_img image.png alt text here, caption here, 100 %}

will result into

<div class="minsh-img">
  <img src="/community-building/3-different-types-of-community-platforms/image.png" alt="alt text here" title="alt text here" style="max-width:630px; max-height: 330px">
  <figcaption>caption here</figcaption>