
Create an M3U8 playlist from media file using FFMPEG

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hlsStreamCreator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/hls-stream-creator';


HLS Stream Creator - Node.js

NPM GitHub package.json version CircleCI

Create an M3U8 playlist from media file using FFMPEG.


npm i hls-stream-creator


This package using fluent-ffmpeg so ffmpeg must be installed it requires at least ffmpeg 0.9 to work.

You must also have ffprobe installed (it comes with ffmpeg in most distributions).

Windows users: most probably ffmpeg and ffprobe will not be in your %PATH, so you must set %FFMPEG_PATH and %FFPROBE_PATH.

Debian/Ubuntu users: the official repositories have the ffmpeg/ffprobe executable in the libav-tools package, and they are actually rebranded avconv/avprobe executables (avconv is a fork of ffmpeg). They should be mostly compatible, but should you encounter any issue, you may want to use the real ffmpeg instead. You can either compile it from source or find a pre-built .deb package at https://ffmpeg.org/download.html (For Ubuntu, the ppa:mc3man/trusty-media PPA provides recent builds).


const hlsStreamCreator = require('hls-stream-creator');

(async () => {
  const settings = {
    renditions: [
        resolution: {
          width: 1920,
          height: 1080,
        bitrate: 8000,
        audioRate: 320,
        resolution: {
          width: 1280,
          height: 720,
        bitrate: 4000,
        audioRate: 192,
    printLogs: true
  try {
    await hlsStreamCreator('./sample.mkv', './output', settings);
  } catch (err) {
    console.log(`Oops we got an error, err: ${err}`);


hlsStreamCreator(src, targetDir, settings?)

Returns a Promise<void>.


Type: string

Media file.

If media file does not exists will be thrown an error.


Type: string

Destination directory which will hold all the mpeg-ts files with m3u8 files.


Type: object

In addition, you can specify the below options.



  resolution: {
    width: number, // example: 1920
    height: number, // example: 1080
  bitrate: number, // example: 8000
  audioRate: number, // example: 320

Default: []

Must be at least one rendition if not will be thrown an error.


Type: Speed | string
Default: veryfast

The speed will be for making the stream files.

Can be: 'ultrafast' || 'superfast' || 'veryfast' || 'faster' || 'fast' || 'medium' || 'slow' || 'slower' || 'veryslow'


Type: string
Default: libx264

Recommended not to change this value because the default value libx264 is supported in all browsers.


Type: string
Default: aac

Recommended not to change this value because the default value aac is supported in all browsers.


Type: boolean
Default: true

In case we want to see the process logs of ffmpeg.
