
Awair Glow accessory plugin for homebridge: https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import homebridgeAwairGlow from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/homebridge-awair-glow';


Homebridge Plugin for the Awair Glow

HomeBridge accessory plugin for the Awair Glow air quality monitor.

Use it to see the status and readings of your monitor in HomeKit. Includes an overall AQ score, temperature, humidity, CO2, and VOC readings.


Assumes you have Homebridge installed.

  1. You will need an Access Token from Awair to get started. Visit https://developer.getawair.com/ to get one. This will give you free access to the "Hobbyist" tier, which will be good enough to run this plugin.

  2. Get a list of your Awair devices so you can plug them in to the config: curl -X GET http://developer-apis.awair.is/v1/users/self/devices -H 'Authorization: Bearer {access-token}'

  3. Install this plugin: [sudo] npm install -g homebridge-awair-glow

  4. Add an accessory entry to your Homebridge configuration for each Awair Glow you'd like to add. Here's the syntax:

    "accessory": "AwairGlow",
    "name": "Awair Glow",
    "token": "xxx.xxx.xxx",
    "deviceId": "12345"


Pull requests welcome. Useful information for further development:


  • Custom characteristic to push score
  • Can't read VOC on iPhone
  • Platform-ize
  • Read device list and add accessories automagically

Raw API Calls



API Response

See response.sample.json
