
State manager with built-in side-effects.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import honeycombs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/honeycombs';



State manager with built-in side-effects.


npm i -S honeycombs or yarn add honeycombs


import * as hc from 'honeycombs';
  • hc.of(initialState): Honeycomb — creates instance of Honeycomb.


Honeycomb is store. Store can to create handlers (Bee instances) by this methods:

  • honeycomb.transform(payload => oldState => newState): Bee

  • honeycomb.apply(payload => newState): Bee

  • honeycomb.apply(payload => oldState => newState): Bee

  • honeycomb.just(): BeeBee just sets state to received payload value.

  • honeycomb.always(constantValue): BeeBee always sets state to constantValue.

  • honeycomb.fromPromise(payload => Promise<newState>): Bee

    honeycomb.fromPromise(payload => Promise<oldState => newState>): Bee

    Order of state changes depends on order of promises resolving.

  • honeycomb.awaitPromise(payload => Promise<newState>): Bee

    honeycomb.awaitPromise(payload => Promise<oldState => newState>): Bee

    Order of state changes depends on order of Bee in call queue. Resolving of this promise blocks to the queue.

  • honeycomb.fromObservable(payload => Observable<newState>): Bee

    honeycomb.fromObservable(payload => Observable<oldState => newState>): Bee

    All values of Observable will change the state. Order of state changes depends on order of Observable values.

  • honeycomb.awaitObservable(payload => Observable<newState>): Bee

    honeycomb.awaitObservable(payload => Observable<oldState => newState>): Bee

    All values of Observable will change the state. Awaiting of Observable complete blocks to the queue.

Honeycomb is Observable. You can to subscribe to store using method subscribe:

honeycomb.subscribe(next [, error, complete] ): Subscription

honeycomb.subscribe(observer): Subscription

Observer is object with optional methods:

  • observer.next(newState)
  • observer.error(Error)
  • observer.complete()

Subscription is object with method unsubscribe().


Bee is store handler. This is:

  • Function that can receive a payload value.
  • Observer that have method next(), receives a payload value.
  • Observable of state values, emits only when this Bee was called. So you can to subscribe to state changes, executed of specified Bee.


import * as hc from 'honeycombs';

const counter = hc.of(0);

const reset = counter.always(0);
const setTo = counter.just();
const increment = counter.transform(state => state + 1);
const decrement = counter.transform(state => state - 1);
const add = counter.apply(payload => state => state + payload);
const subtract = counter.apply(payload => state => state - payload);

increment();  // 1
increment();  // 2
decrement();  // 1
add(5);       // 6
subtract(1);  // 5
setTo(10);    // 10
reset();      // 0

With observable streams

import * as hc from 'honeycombs';
import { from, empty, fromPromise } from 'most';

const user = hc.of({ status: 'not logged in' });

const login = user.awaitObservable((_, { username, password }) =>
    fetch('https://example.com/api/auth', {
      method: 'POST',
      body: JSON.stringify({ username, password }),
      .then(async response => {
        if (!response.ok) return { status: 'auth failed' };

        const { assessToken, refreshToken } = await response.json();

        return {
          status: 'logged in',
      .catch(() => ({ status: 'auth failed' })),
  ).startWith({ status: 'logging in' }),

const refresh = user.awaitObservable(
  state =>
    state.status === 'logged in'
      ? fromPromise(
          fetch('https://example.com/api/token', {
            method: 'POST',
            body: JSON.stringify({ refreshToken: state.refreshToken }),
            .then(async response => {
              if (!response.ok) return { status: 'not logged in' };

              const { assessToken, refreshToken } = await response.json();

              return {
                status: 'logged in',
                username: state.username,
            .catch(() => ({ status: 'auth failed' })),
        ).startWith({ status: 'logging in' })
      : empty(),

const logout = user.always({ status: 'not logged in' });

  .filter(state => state.status === 'logged in')

login({ username: '...', password: '...' });
refresh({ refreshToken: '...' });

With promises

import * as hc from 'honeycombs';

const posts = hc.of();

const loadPosts = posts.fromPromise(
  ({ limit = 10, offset = 0 } = {}) =>
      .then(response => response.json()),

loadPosts({ limit: 20, offset: 50 });