
maybe to react what react is to hyperscript?

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import horsy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/horsy';



html-like markup in template literals!

write html. get elements. No compiling .jsx

import h, { setChildren } from '../lib'
let name = 'World'
let style = 'color: red;'
let elements = h`<span class='greeting'>Hello</span> <span class='name' style=${style}>${name}</span>!`
setChildren(document.body, elements)

but it's not really html, is it?

well, no... it only handles elements and doesn't check that your tags are valid or anything

let elements = h`
<!DOCTYPE html>
<input autofocus>
<!-- comment -->

nope nope nope

Ugh! not another bloated framework!

I feel you! This won't solve all your problems for you. This just turns markup into dom elements.

There's around 200 code-golf-free lines with no external dependencies. you can read through all the code and understand every subtle nuance in a few minutes

The gzipped minified version is 2k


  • handle xml != html?
    • handle attributes without values <input autofocus/>
    • handle elements without closing tags <br>
  • less adding and removing when splicing child nodes lists
  • that templating thing that lit does might be cool (or some other way to not create new elements when updating big blocks of html)...