
HTTP firewall

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import httptables from '';



Important Note

Do not use yet in production This module won't probably be heavily maintained. Fork at will or claim ownership ! Okay now you can keep reading :)

Module Status

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Kind of a firewall for http requests based on headers. It parses a set of rules for each HTTP header and apply the matching policy


NB: This module makes the assumption your request object looks like this

req = {
  headers : {
    'method' : 'PUT',
    'url' : '/kung/foo/panda/',
    'any-other-header' : 'of_any_value'

If it does not, use the setAccessFieldFunction (look around the end of this readme to see an example)

Example 1: a rule could be represented as such

rule = {
  policy : HTTPTables.policies.DROP,
  conditions : {
    'method' : ['POST', 'GET'],
    'user-agent' : /Android/,
    'url' : "/api/v2/users/1"

In this case it will drop every POST or GET requests from android on /api/v2/users/1 url

var HTTPTables = require('httptables');
var httptables = HTTPTables({
  defaultPolicy : HTTPTables.policies.DROP // Drop all not matching requests

Example 2: In Express

var HTTPTables = require('httptables');
var httptables = HTTPTables({
  defaultPolicy : HTTPTables.policies.DROP // Drop all not matching requests
// Override the way to access a header field for an express request object
httptables.setAccessFieldFunction = function (req, field) {
  var _field = (field || "").toUpperCase();
  if(field === 'URL') {
    return req.url;
  } else if(field === 'METHOD') {
    return req.method;
  } else {
    return req.get(field);
app.use(function (req, res, next) {
  req.mySetOfRules = [
      policy : HTTPTables.policies.ACCEPT,
      conditions : {
        'method' : ['POST', 'GET'],
        'user-agent' : /Android/,
        'url' : "/api/v2/users/1"
      policy : HTTPTables.policies.ACCEPT,
      conditions : {
        'method' : ['POST', 'GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE'],
        'url' : "/api/v2/organizations/1/billing"

// Comming Soon, see commented code in source to implement yourself
// only if you want/need
app.use(httptables.toExpressMiddleware({rulesPropertyName : 'mySetOfRules'}))