
Cli to create access token for google sheets and google drive

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import iblisCliTokenGoogleOauthWebServer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/iblis-cli-token-google-oauth-web-server';



Cli to create access token for google sheets and google drive

Version Downloads/week License

When you want to play with Google Drive or Google Sheets API with a simple bash script or in your CI/CD pipeline, you will need to have a clientId, a clientSecret and offline access_token and refresh_token linked to your google account.

To do that you can follow this process:


Authorization process

Or you can just use this cli to guide you and help you to follow this process step by step.

At the end, the cli will create a .env file with the Google ClientId / ClientSecret / AccessToken / RefreshToken


$ npx iblis-cli-token-google-oauth-web-server getGooToken


$ npm install -g iblis-cli-token-google-oauth-web-server
$ getGooToken