
A sample iMDone plugin that logs to the console with debug

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import imdoneEchoPlugin from '';



Example plugin for iMDone that logs to the console

Getting started with iMDone plugins


iMDone loads plugins that are mentioned in the .imdone/config.json file in your project directory. It looks for them in your project directory under node_modules then in your home directory under node_modules, then by name. So if you include a plugin.js that implements the plugin interface in your project, you can load it directly or install one using npm install -g.


  1. npm install -g imdone-echo-plugin
  2. cd /my/project/folder One that already has a .imdone/config or create it.
  3. imdone -o

Plugin interface

All plugins should expect a config and repo. Take a look at this example config. The plugins hash contains the plugin package name or path with it's config hash as the value. Repo is the Repository object for the project.

  "exclude": [
  "watcher": true,
  "lists": [
      "name": "TODO",
      "hidden": false
      "name": "DOING",
      "hidden": false
      "name": "DONE",
      "hidden": false
  "marked": {
    "gfm": true,
    "tables": true,
    "breaks": false,
    "pedantic": false,
    "sanitize": true,
    "smartLists": true,
    "langPrefix": "language-"
  "plugins": {
    "imdone-echo-plugin": {
      "name": "imdone:echo"

After starting iMDone and adding a project, you will find the .imdone/config.json in the project directory.