
Store your items of data in a store powered by immutability

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import immutableItemStore from '';


🗃️ Immutable Item Store

NPM version npm

Store your items of data in a store powered by immutability


$ npm install immutable-item-store


import { ItemStore }  from 'immutable-item-store';

// Declare your item class
class User {
  id = 'some-id';
  name = 'user name';
  isAdmin = false;

// Create an instance and pass item interface
const userStore = new ItemStore<User>();
const newUser = new User();

// Add new item
const { itemsDraft, patches, inversePatches, confirm } = userStore.add(newUser);
console.log('items size:', userStore.items.size); // items size: 0
console.log('items draft size:', itemsDraft.size); // items draft size: 1

confirm(); // or userStore.applyPatches(patches)
console.log('items size:', userStore.items.size); // items size: 1

console.log('items size:', userStore.items.size); // items size: 0

// Update item
userStore.update('some-id', { isAdmin: true }).confirm();

// Batch update items
const updates: BatchUpdate<User>[] = [
  { id: 'some-id', itemProps: { name: 'user name 2' } },
  { id: 'some-id-2', itemProps: { name: 'user name 3', isAdmin: true } },

// Remove item

Advanced usage

import { ItemStore }  from 'immutable-item-store';

// Declare your item class
class User {
  id = 'id';
  name = 'user name';
  isAdmin = false;

class UserStore extends ItemStore<User> {
  public applyPatches(patches: Patch[]): User {
    const userId = patch.path[0] as string;
    const fieldName = patch.path[1];
    // Whenever user data changes we can identify what exactly has changed
    if (userId && fieldName) {
      console.log(`UserClient "${clientId}" changed "${fieldName}" to `, patch.value);
    } else if (clientId) {
      console.log(`UserClient "${clientId}" was ${patch.op}(e)d`);

    // Do some data hanling (e.g. validation, emit event) and then apply the patches
    // if (validate(patches)) {
      const user = super.applyPatches(patches);
    // } else {
    //  throw new Error('Not valid');
    // }

    return user;

const userStore = new UserStore();
const newUser = new User();

const { itemsDraft, patches, inversePatches, confirm } = userStore.update(, { name: 'new name' });
// Optimistic update
api.users.create(newUser).catch((e) => {
  // If operation failed - reverse changes


.get(id: string)

Gets an item by id

.add(id: string, item: ItemType)

Creates a draft of adding a new item to the store. Returned value.

.update(id: string, itemProps: Partial)

Creates a draft of updating an item with new values. Returned value.

.remove(id: string)

Creates a draft of removing an item from the store. Returned value.

.batchUpdate(updates: BatchUpdate[])

Creates a draft of batch updating items with new values. Returned value.

.applyPatches(patches: Patch)

Applies patches to stored items. More on patches.


Transforms map of items to an array when required

Returned value

of add, update, remove, batchUpdate methods

type OpReturnType<T> = {
    itemsDraft: Items<Immutable<ItemType>>;
    patches: Patch[];
    inversePatches: Patch[];
    confirm: () => Items<ItemType>;


The draft of changes that were initiated


Describes changes that were initiated


Describes inverse changes


Saves the draft by appling patches

Type tips


interface Patch {
    op: "replace" | "remove" | "add";
    path: (string | number)[];
    value?: any;