
Survey library to monetize your mobile app, provided by

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import inbrainSurveys from '';


InBrain Surveys

Survey library to monetize your mobile app, provided by


This SDK is targeted to the following tools:

  • XCode 11.4+
  • CocoaPods 1.10+
  • Swift 5
  • React Native >=0.60.0


Install and link the module:

$ npm install inbrain-surveys --save

Extra steps iOS

Do not forget to use Cocoapods 1.9 in your project. Handling of xcframeworks isn't well supported in the previous versions.

Set the framework 'Target Membership' to inbrain-surveys as below:

Framework Target Membership

Extra steps Android

Add jitpack repository you your gradle configuration android/build.gradle > allprojects > repositories

maven { 
    url '' 


import inbrain from 'inbrain-surveys';

For a fully functional example, please refer to this demo app using the SDK.

Available functions:

Initialise the SDK

inbrain.init(apiClientId: string, apiSecret: string, options?: InitOptions) : Promise<void>
  • apiClientId: The client ID obtained from your account manager
  • apiSecret: The client secret obtained from your account manager.
  • options: [Optional] Options. Possible options:
    • language: Accepted languages: de-de, en-au, en-ca, en-gb, en-in, en-us, es-es, es-mx, es-us, fr-ca, fr-fr, fr-br (case sensitive). Default to the device's locale language.
    • sessionUid: Value to track each session of inBrain use from a specific userID
    • isS2S: If the SDK runs in Server To Server mode. Default false
    • userId: The unique string value that differentiates each user within their app when initializing inBrain (Example: an email, a username). Default ''
    • title: The surveys view title. Default ' Surveys'
    • navigationBar: The navigation bar configuration
      • backgroundColor: The navigation bar background color (hexadecimal string color, e.g #FF0000)
      • buttonsColor: The navigation bar buttons color (hexadecimal string color, e.g #E7F722)
      • titleColor: The navigation bar title color (hexadecimal string color, e.g #FF0404)
      • hasShadow: The navigation bar bottom border (boolean)
    • statusBar: The status bar configuration (boolean)
      • lightStatusBar: The status bar text and icons color (true for white, false for black). On iOS, you'll need to set View controller-based status bar appearance bar appearance to YES for this option to work.
    • dataPoints: A dictionary of keys and values to provide inBrain profiler data for custom profiler user experience (Example: { age : “23”, gender : “female” })

Note: This method need to be called prior calling all the other methods.

Change the session parameters

inbrain.setSessionParameters(sessionUid: string, dataPoints: {}) : Promise<void>
  • sessionUid the session identifiers
  • dataPoints datapoints

Show the surveys webview

inbrain.showSurveys() : Promise<void>

Get the rewards (Useful for server less app)

inbrain.getRewards() : Promise<InBrainReward[]>

Confirm a list of rewards (Useful for server less app)

inbrain.confirmRewards(rewards: InBrainReward[]) : Promise<void>
  • rewards: List of rewards to confirm

Check if Native Surveys are available

inbrain.checkSurveysAvailable() : Promise<boolean>

Get the Native Surveys available

inbrain.getNativeSurveys(placementId?: string) : Promise<InBrainNativeSurveys[]>
  • placementId: an optional placement identifier

Show a Native Survey

inbrain.showNativeSurvey(id: string, placementId?: string) : Promise<void>
  • placementId: an optional placement identifier

On webview dismissed

inbrain.setOnCloseListener(callback: () => void) 
  • callback: callback to perform when it happens

Note: Calling this method multiple times will override the previous listener.

On webview dismissed from page

inbrain.setOnCloseListenerFromPage(callback: () => void) 
  • callback: callback to perform when it happens

Note: Calling this method multiple times will override the previous listener.


[BUILD TIME] Several errors similar to Bad receiver 'int *', Unkown type name 'InBrain'...

First check that the framework target membership is correctly set. If the problem still occurs, and you are trying to create a release build with a simulator as target (and you are using XCode 12), please add arm64 in the Excluded Architecture of your project and 'inbrain-surveys' pods (see this post for detailed information)

[BUILD TIME] 'InBrainSurveys_SDK_Legacy/InBrainSurveys_SDK_Legacy-Swift.h' file not found

This problem usually happens if the framework is not set in the Embedded Binaries, or if the framework doesn't have the target set to inbrain-surveys See above for set up. Clean and build the project after changes.

[RUNTIME] Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib

This problem can happen if your project doesn't have the Swift standard libraries included. Set the 'Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries' to yes in your target to fix it. Clean and build the project after changes. This problem also consistently appears when usinx XCode10

[RUNTIME - Release scheme] dependent dylib '@rpath/InBrainSurveys_SDK_Swift.framework/InBrainSurveys_SDK_Swift' not found

This problem happen with previous version of Cocoapods and XCode. Try updating to Cocoapods 1.10.x, and if it still doesn't work, also upgrade to XCode12