
min/max validation form HTML time inputs, including inputs that are not supported natively

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import inputTimeValidator from '';



A cross-browser polyfill for min and max time validation to <input type="time">elements.

imput time validator

The Problem

Some browsers do not support the input time element, but degrade them to an input text element, which may longer be validated.

This input:

<input type="time" min="09:00" max="16:00">

is converted to this degraded form:

<input type="text" min="09:00" max="16:00">

By converting to type="text", the min/max validation of user input is eliminated.

The Solution

Load this script at the end of the body:

<script src="<path-to>inputTimeVal.js"></script>

which will detect any degraded input time elements and add a validation script to their parent forms.